Working Together to Help Improve Our Hospital
A patient and family advisor is someone who wants to help improve healthcare in our community, gives feedback to the hospital based on his or her own experiences as a patient or family member, and helps us plan changes to continually improve how we provide care. Patient and family advisors provide a sounding board for patients and families of patients who have received care at Hemet Global Medical Center or Menifee Global Medical Center. Time requirements range from 1 – 4 hours per month.
Who can be a patient and family advisor?
You can be an advisor if you or a family member received care at Hemet Global Medical Center or Menifee Global Medical Center in the last 5 years. You do not need any special qualifications to be an advisor. What’s most important is your experience as a patient or family representative. We will provide you with any other training needed.
Being a patient and family advisor may be a good match with your skills and experiences if you can:
- Discuss both positive and negative care experiences and share your thoughts on what went well and how things could have been done differently.
- Listen and share your opinions respectfully.
- Think about ways to improve healthcare in our community.
- Keep any information you may hear as an advisor private and confidential.
Please click button below to apply as a patient and family advisor.